Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Blog Update?? IMPOSSIBLE!

It seems to be that one of the impossible things mentioned in the title of this blog is actually writing posts. Which is to say, I haven't been very good at doing that. But what better time than November 2nd to begin again, since it's now National Novel-Writing Month? I actually thought about trying it this year, since it seems like something that would be "write" up my alley (pardon the pun), and would get me writing regularly, which would only be a good thing. And it's a November activity that will give me a more tangible result than participating in "No-Shave November" would. 

No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to rival this man's beard.
I still would like to try NaNoWriMo, even if I'm late and will probably not make it to the 50K word goal. Anything would be better than nothing! And I do happen to have a story beginning that I started years ago and still really would like to take further, so maybe the 15 pages already written could count for the first two-three days of missed writing time. 

Spoiler: It's about these guys.
 So hopefully I can hold myself to this one.

In other November news, I spent 6 hours today alternating between folding napkins and tablecloths, and staring blankly into space at work. I have learned that using the computer at the reception where I sit for Facebook is not okay, even though the home page for the browser is set to Facebook's login page. I have decorated the reservations books with pretty colors, drawn Buddhist nuns all over the hostess "to-do" list (after completing it), and discovered that the classical music mix of CDs in the restaurant stereo includes Pachelbel's Canon, something from "Zelda", and several classical versions of Metallica songs as performed by the Angry String Orchestra. There might be some stuff off of the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" soundtrack in there as well.

"Welcome to Marco Polo Global Restaurant. Let me show you to your seat."
However, at least I'm being paid to be this bored, which is more than I can say for my episodes of boredom before I got the job!

Another piece of news, more interesting: Today I read an article on the NY Times site about barefoot running which really got me interested. In short, people are rediscovering that human beings were great distance runners for thousands of years before Nike came along with schmancy padded shoes to "protect" us from hurting ourselves while doing the thing we evolved to do (why do you think we sweat instead of panting?). If you run right, you can run barefoot or in minimal footwear and never have an injury (aside from stepping on sharp things, I'm guessing). That's the idea behind those gorilla-feet shoes. My mom wears them and loves them, and I've been wanting to try them for a while now, but I'm thinking of just trying this barefoot running in the time between now and the day (ever more distant) when I have a spare 80-100 bucks to blow on shoes. Although on second thought, maybe I'll wear my ballet shoes or something in recognition of the fact that it is November and thus, flipping cold!
Barefoot running: more difficult when your feet are encased in ice.

Well, this has certainly been an interesting blog post, filled with sudden jumps in topic, irrelevant observations, and more illustrations than content, I fear. But they do say that a picture is worth a thousand words, which means that this post is actually very efficiently long, and also heavy, making it better trebuchet ammunition and likely to do greater damage to the enemy's walls. On that note, FIRE!!!


1 comment:

  1. Uh-oh. Looks like I need to step up my game if you're breaking out the trebuchet :D
