I thought that, since I am ostensibly writing this blog for others to read, I should at least give a quick introduction of where I am in life and who is there with me. Otherwise we are liable to get sidetracked by long explanations in the midst of mostly unrelated posts, or else risk everybody becoming completely confused. So, here we are:
I'm a writer, an artist, an amateur carpenter, and hardcore traveler. I am co-caretaker of a basil plant named Watson and a total book snob. I like quotes (in case you hadn't guessed from the name of my blog), and when I grow up I want to be a literary translator and/or a professor. (Then I could go to college FOR A LIVING!)
I graduated last spring from a small liberal arts university in the Pacific Northwest, which I loved loved loved. As a total nerd and devotee of knowledge of all kinds, I was horribly disappointed to be graduating after four wonderful years in college. And so, in part because I was (and still am, a bit) in denial about the whole thing, and in part due to other, more personal, reasons, I moved back to Salem after a summer at home to work and pretend to still be a student by association.
I currently live in an apartment that we have dubbed "The Nerd-aerie" with my roomie The Foodie, and between the two of us we probably eat better than most of the professors at the university. The Sandwich, my boyfriend, is still in school and lives on campus, and we have many strange and wonderful adventures together, some of which will probably be featured here at some point.
All in all, life is looking pretty good, even if I'm not in school and it makes me sad. And if, like last week, I ever become forgetful about the good things and start to focus on the negative, a good batch of crepes and a hug usually get me back on track. So that is my life in a nutshell, and the rest will probably hash itself out as we go.
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